About Us


The Islamic Foundation Saharanpur India Trust (TIFSIT)

TIFSIT came into existence in 2005 with a clear vision of public welfare, help the needed and fight against corruption. Since then TIFSIT has been doing all possible efforts for the betterment of society. The key target areas are religious and social Welfare, health and free medical camps, to remove superstition from society, spread the Quran and Hadith teachings, to increase brotherhood between communities, maintenance of religious places, fight against corruption, to raise voice against injustice, reward people who did special achievements, to help earthquake victims and to get justice to helpless and needed people.

Idea of the Mosque of Glass – “Kanch Ki Masjid”

In 2019, the Director of “The Islamic Foundation Saharanpur India Trust” (TIFSIT) has dreamed to have world’s best mosque in India, the Mosque of Glass. To make this dream come true the TIFSIT has issued a press release on 24-Nov-2019 and held a press conference. In this press conference it is stated that TIFSIT will build this great “Kanch Ki Masjid – The Mosque of Glass”. This Mosque will be so unique that it will be developed as the 8th wonder of world. The estimated cost to build this wonderful Glass Mosque will be over 100 Cr. Rupees. Over 1 lac people will be able to offer Salat (Namaz) at one time in this great Mosque of Glass. This news was taken immediately by the national and international media. We got lot of appreciations from all around the world which really matter for us and encourages our team.


Naming The Mosque

The Glass Mosque was initially named as “Masjid Allah”. But later, on the advice of Mr. Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani, Darul Uloom Deoband (Saharanpur) the Mosque name was changed to be “Kanch Ki Masjid”. He also advised to build a high-tech Madrasa near Mosque which was accepted by the Trust authorities.

TIFSIT Seeks Donation for This Noble Cause

As this noble project require huge investment (over 100 Crore), the TIFSIT asks every citizen to donate for the Mosque at least Rs. 10 (Ten). We will heartily accept if somebody want to donate more than that. Donating for Mosque is a “Sadka E Zaria” and you will keep getting SAWAB for this forever. So be part of this noble cause today and donate for the “Kanch Ki Masjid – The Mosque of Glass”.